How Pregnancy Has Changed My Yoga Practice

Last week I took a yoga class at my favorite Denver yoga studio, The River Yoga. And…. it was hard.

Hard both physically and mentally.

yoga outfit

I think going into this pregnancy as a yoga teacher and long time yoga practitioner, my mentality was that I would fly through this time with ease and a solid practice. But, that hasn’t been the case.

My old yoga practice could be described as INTENSE - I wanted to sweat more, invert more, bend more; but now, my only mantra throughout a class has been - just SURVIVE.

pregnant yogi
yoga during pregnancy

After my last class at The River, I got in the car and cried. I cried because I couldn’t finish the sequence, I cried because I had to modify postures and even then was so concerned that I was squishing the baby that I don’t think I took a single breath the whole class. I cried because I wanted a good sweaty and challenging flow and what I left with was sweaty self pity and personal guilt.

But after my hormones settled down a bit I realized that my yoga practice has and continues to be a mirror.

What I mean by that is, it shows me what I’m trying to be and lets me reflect on it.

This pregnancy has changed my practice to show me that the journey is to be appreciated just as much as the destination. Point B may be Cresent Lunge but to get from Point A in Downward Facing Dog to B requires strength, breath and a whole lot of love.

varley ootd

That love, that feeling of wanting more of it for myself, keeps bringing me back to my mat. As I write this blog I think, duh Bailey, its called a yoga PRACTICE for a reason! You learn new things each time you go to class: your body and mind are in different places each time you step on your mat and the practice/the work is that you have to work through them as you flow in your body.

This title of this blog may have been wrong, it’s not so much how pregnancy has affected my yoga but how my yoga has affected my pregnancy. It has been such a blessing. A reminder to love yourself through the pain and growth. A way to release and to reflect.

the river yoga practice

I have said this before and I’ll say it again, I am so happy with my decision to practice at The River Yoga in Denver. If you don’t live in Denver, find a place that feels like HOME when you walk in, a place that is your safe harbor and that also leaves you feeling empowered to be your best self.

All of this to say (and to say it to myself), give yourself some grace. Whether you are 34 weeks pregnant, going through a loss, stressed about work, etc.. the fact that you are dedicating some time for yourself to do yoga is AMAZING! You’ve already made the hardest journey and now just be there in the moment. And also appreciate what comes up, whether it is a kick ass practice or crying in your car. I truly believe both are apart of the yoga journey.

You can try The River Yoga for 30 days of unlimited yoga for $50 as a first time student!